Tuesday, October 21, 2014

New Tool - Quick Start Peyote Card

iKandies was able to attend Beadfest Philliadelphia this year and we had a ball!  Checking out all the vendors' offerings, attending classes, looking at new products - it was a busy three days. While browsing the show floor, iKandies was drawn to a demonstration of Deb Moffett-Hall's Quick Start Peyote Cards.   If you've ever worked with Peyote stitch you know why this would catch our eyes.

Several weeks prior to the show we started to make Fusion Bead's "Harlequin Bracelet" but had difficulty getting it going.  It's that pesky Peyote stitch! The Quick Start Peyote Card eliminates the confusion that we often have while stringing the first three rows.

The cards come in several sizes that match the size seed bead to be used - 15, 11, 8, and 6.  iKandies purchased the Combo pack so we could try it out with any size seed bead.

The cards are made of "durable laminated material".  They look like they would hold up well, but we were also told we could use them as templates and make new cards should we need them.

Our first attempt at using the card with size 11 beads went well.  As the beads are strung, they fall into small "slots" that are formed when the cards are folded.  This keeps the beads evenly spaced and makes for quick "pickup" when adding the next row.    Detailed directions and diagrams are provided and they are easy to follow.  Instructions are given for even count and odd count peyote.

iKandies can see where this will be a huge help in getting this bracelet project off the ground. We'll post the finished project and the rest of our review at a future date.

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