Monday, March 28, 2011

Tucson's Gem and Mineral Show

I've been back for some time from the annual Gem and Mineral show in Tucson and just wanted to showcase the bracelet I made in the class taken with Phyllis Martin-Rennie, "Wire Wrapped Beginnings". Phyllis is a great teacher and took us step-by-step through the process of creating various wraps with sterling silver wire. We started with an eye pin, progressed to wrapped eye pins, then on to making ear wires. Using the last technique, we created a clasp. Finally she demonstrated a wrapped bead cap and voila! We had all the elements we needed to create this beautiful bracelet!
I've already started incorporating these techniques in my jewelry designs.
If you're ever in San Jose, check out her store, Sew Bedazzled

I found some beautiful new items for sale, including vintage reproduction buttons at  Spirit, Inc.. ...

...  and these electroformed leaves at Realm of the Goddess.  On our website, iKandies and our Etsy site Kkrizzy on Etsy you can see examples of how we've used these leaves in combination with Swarovski crystal and various types of chain.

Despite the cold weather (records were broken in Phoenix!), it was an enjoyable trip. Picked up a few new skills and lots of new beads and components!