Friday, October 31, 2014

How do I find the right piece of jewelry? - Choosing a Necklace

There are several things to consider when choosing the right jewelry to wear with a specific outfit.  What is the predominate color of the outfit?  What is the occasion?  What is the season of the year? What type of "look" do you want to achieve?

 When selecting a necklace, not only do you think about color, occasion and season but also to be  considered is the neckline.  For example,  if wearing a V neck,  your necklace should match the "V" shape created by the neckline.  For a scooped neckline, almost any style will do.

The length of the necklace varies depending on the neckline style. Here is a brief description of necklace styles and a diagram showing where they would hang on the average woman:

  • 12 inch - fits around the base of the neck, is usually worn for formal occasions and is referred to as a Collar Necklace
  • 16 inch necklace is slightly longer than a collar, often has a pendant attached and is referred to as a Choker Necklace
  • 18 inch necklace is the most popular necklace length choice, looks great for everyday wear, often has charms or pendants attached and is  referred to as Princess Necklace
  • 24 inch - falls around the bust line and is often referred to as Matinee Necklace because it's a good choice for evening wear
  • 28-30 inch - often worn for formal wear, can be doubled around the neck and is referred to as an Opera Necklace

iKandies Unique Custom Jewelry offers a range of necklace styles and lengths.  Be sure to check them out at!


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

New Tool - Quick Start Peyote Card

iKandies was able to attend Beadfest Philliadelphia this year and we had a ball!  Checking out all the vendors' offerings, attending classes, looking at new products - it was a busy three days. While browsing the show floor, iKandies was drawn to a demonstration of Deb Moffett-Hall's Quick Start Peyote Cards.   If you've ever worked with Peyote stitch you know why this would catch our eyes.

Several weeks prior to the show we started to make Fusion Bead's "Harlequin Bracelet" but had difficulty getting it going.  It's that pesky Peyote stitch! The Quick Start Peyote Card eliminates the confusion that we often have while stringing the first three rows.

The cards come in several sizes that match the size seed bead to be used - 15, 11, 8, and 6.  iKandies purchased the Combo pack so we could try it out with any size seed bead.

The cards are made of "durable laminated material".  They look like they would hold up well, but we were also told we could use them as templates and make new cards should we need them.

Our first attempt at using the card with size 11 beads went well.  As the beads are strung, they fall into small "slots" that are formed when the cards are folded.  This keeps the beads evenly spaced and makes for quick "pickup" when adding the next row.    Detailed directions and diagrams are provided and they are easy to follow.  Instructions are given for even count and odd count peyote.

iKandies can see where this will be a huge help in getting this bracelet project off the ground. We'll post the finished project and the rest of our review at a future date.

Monday, October 20, 2014

iKandies has a new website!

New website has launched!

iKandies has just released a new website!  It's still located at, only the webhost has changed.  What's new about this website?

Using Duda's Responsive Web Design, iKandies has created a website to look and react correctly on any device used to access it, whether it be a desktop, a tablet or a smartphone. Responsive web design does more than show the same content on a different sized screen. It adds functionality and removes unnecessary content based on the viewing device.

Why are we excited about the new website?  More and more people are "going mobile" by using smartphones and tablets.  Not only are they handy to carry but also easy to use.  Our responsive site makes a user's mobile website experience much easier!  

Here's a sample of how the pages may look depending on your device.    On the Smartphone view on the left, the menu is shifted to the upper right corner and content is lined up vertically to fit within the screen.

The Tablet view on the right more closely resembles the view seen when navigating the site with a desktop computer. 

Whether you choose to view the site with a desktop computer, Smartphone or Tablet, the same functionality exists for all devices.

The site is also platform friendly. This means that it is viewable on an Windows, Apple or Android device.

Try it out today.  Click on the link - iKandies Unique Custom Jewelry - to view our new website and let us know what you think!